Each story is unique with its own characters and events, yet they are connected by a single plot event, a car crash. They are also connected by the theme of relationships. The first story, "Reassurance," is about a couple named Katherine and John Dumbrowski who experience a divorce. The...
The Oscar Nominated Short Films 2016: Live Action: Collective screening of the 2016 Academy Award nominated short films from the Live Action category.
After: Directed by Tobin Herringshaw. With Claudia Cervenka, Sarah Diebold, Laith Quteifan, Jim Robbins. After tells the story of Emily Blair, who, after a car crash, wakes up in an abandoned town, only to discover that the world has been forever altered
FRAGILE is the story of a woman who is killed in a car crash and is given one day more to spend with the people she loves. FRAGILE is a short parable about the things we often take for granted until they are gone, like friendship and love from those that are close to us. It is ...
Storyline EditUser reviews Be the first to review Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendationsSign inDetails Edit Release date February 9, 2011 (United Kingdom) Country of origin United Kingdom Language English Filming locations Elephant and Castle, Southwark, London, En...
“Tell me a story about Mom.”Lucius began, “On hot days, after cooking dinner, she would lie down to rest on the cool cement and ask you to blow air on her sweaty face. You would blow until you fell asleep on her chest.” Katana loved to hear a song that reminded her of ...
in Aristotle is the distinction in styles deemed appropriate to the treatment of tragic and comic story. As long as there was at least a theoretical separation of comic and tragic styles, eithergenrecould, on occasion, appropriate the stylistic manner of the other to a striking effect, which ...
short - primarily temporal sense; indicating or being or seeming to be limited in duration; "a short life"; "a short flight"; "a short holiday"; "a short story"; "only a few short months" long - primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average ...
'Crash into my heart' is a romantic short story which had me hooked from the get go. It focuses on Janice and Adrian who meet when Janice has an accident and Adrian comes to her rescue - They have an instant attraction with each other and although she tries to fight it she succumbs ...
Just One More Time— A story about privilege and how the rich rarely if ever fall to into the depths of poverty that others are born into. This is one of Cheever’s shorter short stories, and has an interesting example ofsideshadowingin the final scene. ...