The rest of the story is him telling the cabbie how deeply his life choices have hurt his family. The story ends with the taxi pulling into view of his childhood home, only to find not only the porch light on, but also every light in the house and more out in the yard. That ending...
A new story is posted to 50-Word Stories every weekday. Every story is exactly 50 words long! You can submit your own stories to be featured on the website, or enter themed contests to win books or ebooks, discounts from the Store, or other fun prizes. This our blog and get ...
Sara NelsonRosales
The meaning of SHORT STORY is an invented prose narrative shorter than a novel usually dealing with a few characters and aiming at unity of effect and often concentrating on the creation of mood rather than plot.
I’m counting my self-published Grannie Annie’s Book of Grudges‘zine as a Graveyard Mind story for completing goals purposes as it ended up being over 5000 words even if it’s not a traditional short story. I took a run at three different Thunder Road stories I’d started in the ...
Important words and expressions are highlighted in the beginner's section. If you need an English language workbook then we highly recommend considering this short story book for adults, because the short, humorous, and intriguing plots will ke...
836 Words 4 Pages Decent Essays Read More Paw: A Short Story Paws—a normal, small, speedy mouse—walked by the fallen stop sign. “Oh, I remember this stop sign. I’m almost home.” He was not smart enough to realize that there was another one up ahead. “Now, I have to turn ...
Our event ‘107 word short story’ took place on Thursday 24th March 2022. It brought together 36 writers who read stories of exactly 107 words in length. It was an intriguing task with no set theme or guidelines other than the length. What could be done in such a short form? What nar...
Chapter Short Story The toe-curling shout had echoed through the lab, it ordinarily caused a few of the scientist with white painted coats to jump a little at the sound. 1601 Words 7 Pages Decent Essays Read More Short Story Since the rest of the women were watching us from the table, ...
Have a great short story idea? We'd love to hear it. Share it in the comments! PRACTICE Choose one of these ideas and write a short story in one sitting (aim for 1,000 words or less!). When you're finished, share your story in the Pro Practice Workshop (or our latest writing ...