The Short Films of David Lynch: Directed by David Lynch. With Jeffe Alperi, Robert Chadwick, Catherine E. Coulson, Eddy Dixon. A collection of visionary director David Lynch's short films from the first 29 years of his career is accompanied by a special
The students came up with the stories, molded the characters and then shot the short films. Wide Angle screening day A programme of innovative short films and videos made at Wide Angle this year. MAINLAND NOT MAINSTREAM presents an eclectic selection of short films of all different styles and ...
Short films are a central pillar of modern surf culture, a creative outlet for sharing stories and inspiring stoke. Here at the LS/FF we wanted to celebrate the short and give homegrown filmmaking talent a platform to bring their visions to the surf world so in 2011, we established THE SHO...
A biganthologyfull of interesting short stories with literary merit isFiction 100.(Links are to Amazon) The newest edition is expensive, but an earlier one, like in the link, is affordable. It has many of the commonly anthologized stories. If you only want one story anthology, this would ...
The Short Films of David Lynch: Directed by David Lynch. With Jeffe Alperi, Robert Chadwick, Catherine E. Coulson, Eddy Dixon. A collection of visionary director David Lynch's short films from the first 29 years of his career is accompanied by a special
“Look, Katana, two moons! Can you imagine a lunar eclipse with two moons? This is the real beginning of Eternity. This world is our new home, Katana.” The End Edmundo Barraza *All stories are protected under the © Seal of the Copyright Office of the United States. April 27, ...
50 Best Short Story Blogs ⋅ 1. 50-Word Stories ⋅ 2. American Short Fiction ⋅ 3. The Short Story: home to short fiction ⋅ 4. FICTION on the WEB short stories ⋅ 5. Universal Stories
Through casual interviews with his friends, each of them open up about their hardships and share stories of abuse from parents, experiences with racism, and struggling with alcoholism. It's an incredibly emotional journey, especially to get to witness three young men show such vulnerability in ...
The short stories of the film world. A short story can be just as compelling as a novel. In the same way, good short films contain the same storytelling elements as good feature films — an inciting incident, a conflict, and a resolution — just in a smaller package. Every genre has ...
Training with Movies is a reputable online platform that specializes in providing a wide selection of motivational movies at the most affordable prices on the market. Use short motivational films for the best leadership skills training and neuro linguist