Short Stories for High School Students Here are some short stories with themes and subject matter appropriate for high school students. Many of these can be read quite quickly, so they make for great discussion topics in class. These stories, and many others, are available online. 1. "The ...
Reedsy Prompts is home to the largest short stories collection. Check out 25000+ stories by up & coming writers across the world. Choose the genre of your interest and start reading now from the largest online collection of handpicked short stories for f
Be Aware of Difficulties: As you take the time to read short stories online to and with your child, be aware of any areas they may be struggling with. If they are struggling to read or sound out words, you will want to pay attention to those things. They might need glasses (as I d...
Read Short Stories Online for Free. Discover a Growing Collection of Over 20,000 Short Stories and Novels for All Ages. Enjoy, Share, and Publish Your Stories.
Read Story of Witches, Ghosts and Zombies from our online collection of scary and creepy stories with unusual paranormal experiences. Story of a man who took short cut through a haunted dark tunnel to find dead people, horror adventure of Ouija board, creepy experience of a family who moved ...
Short Stories to read Online. Short Stories and Poems By George Wickham. Good collection of free online fiction offering a brief diversion for the modern reader. A website with a collection of fictional short stories and poems dealing with modern times a
Short Stories to read Online. Short Stories and Poems By George Wickham. Good collection of free online fiction offering a brief diversion for the modern reader. A website with a collection of fictional short stories and poems dealing with modern times a
Those of us who love short stories know the magic behind a well-told tale. And we’ve got some great news: A lot of incredible short stories are available online, and you can read them for free right now! It’s the perfect way to spend a work break, the moments while dinner is in...
Most of my short stories were written for magazines or anthologies aimed at adults, but you can find my MG short stories (including stories tied into my MG novels) in their own section, clearly marked. Most of the short stories on this page are free to read or listen to online, and I...
Read Short Stories Online: Page 47 Anthology. Online fiction by Canadian and International writers, both professional and emerging.