maybe I should just tell Henry. Maybe Henry was having the same dreams about me. I doubted it, though, since Henry had always dated all throughout high school and loved bragging about the chicks he banged. Well, it didn't matter anyway, since we were both leaving for different colleges...
Ageist stereotypes demean elderly persons, and an 'Ideology and a culture of professional services' emphasize deficit. The filmmaker spends months with seniors in Adult Day Care, finding pearls of wisdom and story as he presents their world as seen through their eyes and their stories.—Anonymous...
A diverse collection of people, from kids to seniors, reveal their misconceptions about conception. Kama-Sutra-inspired animation brings these stories to life, highlighting the universal confusion about sex and what it actually takes to make one of us.—Anonymous...
Families and lawmakers are asking for an investigation into how it came to this. "We are calling on the attorney general to open an investigation into where the millions of dollars went that we all used to buy in to have long-term health care for our parents," Beverly Kohen Fried sai...
During the holidays, the Roman Catholic mom had been known to have a Hanukkah bush for their Jewish friends. There were even years when the family would make Christmas gifts and personally deliver them to seniors in rest homes. Many of Matt's friends are senior citizens or foreign born....
Last year, the sales of Zhang's cooperative reached 1 million yuan. Besides young people like Zhang, many seniors are also riding the wave of short videos as they find a sense of belonging while sharing their stories. According to a joint report issued last year on seniors using short video...
9/11 Short Stories The mother and grandmother sat at the house in panic thinking about Chris. But they could not do anything are they would be shot by the people left there with them. Chris began to fight for his life and his family’s. Everyone was surprised of the heart that Chris ...
Schools often are grandparents’ first source for guidance, though administrators ruefully admit that they are unequipped to address either the seniors’ needs or the growing population of students from troubled families. * “These grandparents do rely on us,” said Sandra Robertson, a counselor at...
askedDavie, “We are just doing what you told us.”“Well, for now, you guys can go outside and play. Be back before dark, and I’ll have dinner ready.” The boys did not attest to this and immediately made it to the door, closing it behind them politely, to hikethreestories ...
proving his value to my placid suburban public school by falling asleep. I stand beside his chair and watch him for a minute, the beginnings of a thin blond moustache sprouting by his fleshy cheeks, and I note that seniors in high school seem like babies five years later, very cute in ...