The Use of Short Stories to improve English proficiency in Sixth Gradersdoi:10.46652/runas.v5i9.159Astudillo Tapia, Byron TeodoroArgudo-Serrano, JuanitaRunas. Journal of Education & Culture
For third-graders, learning English can be a fun adventure. What better way to make it exciting than with short, engaging stories? These stories aren't just about reading, they're about exploring different worlds, meeting new characters, and learning valuable lessons along the ...
I like starting the year with short stories to build my students’ appreciation for brief, attention-grabbing fiction. Students can toss around their ideas on characters’ decisions and infer and predict as the action rises. At the same time, I can acquaint them with pertinent literary terms. ...
students in an activity. The assignment's topic in accordance with the students' relevant real world and begins with an in-depth investigation. For example, because the topics of the short story will be an example of betrayal themed short stories, students are given questions about betrayal, ...
Using children’s literature to support mathematics instruction has been connected to positive academic outcomes and learning dispositions; however, less is known about the use of audiovisual based narrative mediums to support student mathematical learni