Refugees and Three Short Stories from Sri LankaCHADHA, SIMRANCross / Cultures: Readings in the Post / Colonial Literatures in English
To preserve civilization. Why do the freedom riders leave their safe home and go out to bring the frightened, lonely refugees in to the safety of the mountains? To preserve civilization. And why had Timothy Carpenter informed the marshals about the black marketeering he had discovered in Reefr...
Over the years, peacekeeping operations have had some successes. For example, they have protected civilians, returned refugees to their home countries, delivered humanitarian aid, and rebuilt damaged infrastructure. But peacekeeping efforts face serious challenges that limit their success. Will there ever...
In his preface to The Collected Stories, Davies offered a wonderful analogy from the difference between short stories and novels: “Compared with the novel, that great public park so often complete with draughty spaces, noisy brass band and unsightly litter, the enclosed and quiet short story g...
More importantly, in reality how what the real life stories of refugees be like in their new land? The answer to that question could very well be up to those of us in the places they come to. If you follow my blog, you will receive a notice to know when I post a new story. Also...
For the spring 2025 women’s collection, Prada has produced a bound book of 10 short stories by American author Ottessa Moshfegh, and starring Carey Mulligan. “Ten Protagonists” explores the notion of plurality, which was at the core of Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons’ spring 2025 collection...
Here we are keen to share with you three Short Travel Stories by Pilgrims from Santiago de Compostela and the Way of St. James. Walking the Camino for the 3rd time – Alex from Montreal, Canada 3! That is the number of times Alex has done the Camino. „Every time the path is the...
story- a piece of fiction that narrates a chain of related events; "he writes stories for the magazines" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español ...
In addition, the media outlets covering negative aspects of immigration promote negative stereotypes about immigrants and refugees, resulting in increasing the public’s anti-immigration attitude and hindering the implementation of immigrant policy. Over the course of the past 10 to 15 years, portrayal...
They then join a long line of refugees, their presence among whom is met with surprise, prejudice and kindness. Themes include camaraderie, survival, the aftermath of war, uncertainty, superstition/sorcery, hope. More… Appelfeld Midnight Mass Short Stories This story, hailed as one of Joaquim...