Bios, in general, don’t have a strict word count as it depends on the medium or platform used. In general, however, a‘micro bio’is usually two to three short sentences, similar to those in Twitter and website bylines, while a short bio may have about 100 words or three to five ...
Bios, in general, don’t have a strict word count as it depends on the medium or platform used. In general, however, a‘micro bio’is usually two to three short sentences, similar to those in Twitter and website bylines, while a short bio may have about 100 words or three to five ...
You should always have an updated, short author bio ready to go. Bios are written in third person and are often required to be under one hundred words. (You may want to prepare two: one under fifty words and one under one hundred.) If you have published stories in other publications, ...
Numerous examples and photos of biochemistry in action show students that biochemistry is part of everything they do and experience. Students learn a biochemical concept, then see how that concept is applied in the real world. Clinical Insights show how our understanding of biochemical concepts ...
We Specialize in Writing Short Biographies - Prompt, Professional, and Inexpensive - for any occupation or purpose. As quickly as you need it, we can write your short bio. Deadlines are no problem.
A collection of simple JavaScript programs for generating, formatting, and analyzing short DNA and protein sequences. The Sequence Manipulation Suite is commonly used by molecular biologists, for teaching purposes, and for program and algorithm testing.
More basic usage examplesRun single read sets against MLST database and resistance databasesrst2 --input_pe pool11_tag2_1.fastq.gz pool11_tag2_2.fastq.gz --output pool11_tag2_Shigella --log --gene_db /vlsci/VR0082/shared/srst2_sep/resistance.fasta --mlst_db Escherichia_coli.fasta -...
Two simple examples of waveform-preserving solutions (1.23) are (a) plane waves: θ = z– ct, and (b) spherical waves: θ = R– ct. A third class of solutions (1.23), reported by Hillion [1983], is based on (1.25)θ=z−ct+r2z+ct−ib, with b an arbitrary positive constant...
bowtie2 (v2.1.0 or later) SAMtools v0.1.18 later versions can be used, but better results are obtained with v0.1.18, especially at low read depths (<20x)) ...
We profoundly believe that these simple bio-molecules will open up whole new vistas, offering promising solutions in shaping the future novel bio-medicine. 2. Brief History In 1902, two distinguished German chemists, Hermann Emil Fischer and Franz Hofmeister, proposed that ...