Yet, one of Kate Chopin’s great achievements is that she avoids a one-sided view on women’s sexuality. In depicting Athénaïse’s sexual awakening as a result of her pregnancy, she offers the reader a view on female sexuality that perfectly corresponds the Victorian ideal of a “True ...
Define short-stemmed. short-stemmed synonyms, short-stemmed pronunciation, short-stemmed translation, English dictionary definition of short-stemmed. Adj. 1. short-stemmed - having a short stem caulescent, cauline, stemmed - producing a well-developed st
shortsighted vision and 1opsided staffingparti
One-sided p-values are reported for post-hoc t-tests assessing directed hypotheses. We applied Greenhouse-Geisser correction when ANOVAs contained factors with more than two levels and sphericity was not met. The ANOVAs contained all possible interaction terms. 3. Results 3.1. Task performance ...