along with the funeral directive, she asked be given to the minister to help in preparing his remarks. “You know you write your eulogy by the way you live,” she said. “But remember, now,nobodywants to listen to a forty-eight hour sermon!” ...
There is a sermon i heard on Proverbs 26:11 Like a dog that returns to its vomit Is a fool who repeats his folly. This is that type of person, the ones who keep hurting you over and over, People who have been in a toxic relationship or an abusive relationship kinda know what am ...
End of sermon, thanks for listening. I just kind of needed to get it out there. It wasn’t the point of this but if you’re the praying type, send some mojo out for my friend and his wife. God knows who they are. PS. If this post has moved you in some way, why not nail y...