A mantra is usually shorter than a life motto. However, if you say a short quote over and over again, it can act as a mantra — a repetition of a phrase or word that can motivate or soothe you. Mottos can be thoughts from known authors but very often the author is unknown. But ho...
She returns home when her family's had a tough time after the death of a parent. He's been helping them sort through the mess, and while she disagrees with how he's helping, she can't stop thinking about him. At their large ten year high school reunion, he asks her to dance and ...
If you do have to make a claim on the policy, our helpful team will guide you through every step of the claims process. Need to know more about getting the right temporary van insurance policy for you? Simply get in touch with our friendly team today. Ready to get your quote? You can...
As the outbreak spreads and more and more of the pueblo’s poor die futile deaths, it comes out that all the priest cares about is taking her money and reestablishing the Spanish empire. It’s that last bit that seems cartoonish, as if he could do it. Or perhaps it’s just the delu...
Mr. Amodei, an A.I. researcher who joined OpenAI early on, runs the A.I. start-up Anthropic. A former researcher at Google, he helped set OpenAI’s research direction but left in 2021 after disagreements about the path the company was taking. That year, he founded Anthropic, which is ...
To me, being Australian is about looking after your mates, taking care of the less fortunate, supporting the underdog and enhancing the spirit that makes all Australians unique. — Steve Waugh 56 If you blame others for your misfortunes, you won't be rich. Take ownership of yourself. —...
of notes and instructions mirroring the “How to” page. Following those, there is an article called “Taking With Us What Matters: The Transformative Power of Reading for the Central Idea” and then “Four Stages to the Central One Idea: Using the Trivium to Uncover the Heart of a Work....
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One last thing before we get to the 100 story ideas, let’s talk about how to write a great short story. (Already know how to write a great story? No problem. Just skip down to the ideas below.) First, read stories. If you’ve never read a story, you’re going to have a hard...