“You look like a Benny,” he added and laughed at his own pun of how the island locals called their day trippers, bennies; a term that originated from the letters of the train stations on the Jersey Shore line: (B)ayonne, (E)lizabeth , (N)ewark & (N)ew (Y)ork. The locals,...
“Oh, myyyy” (to quote my favorite Uncle George). It’s gonna be really, really, REALLY cold the nights of this week. Invite a wild beast in to stay warm in your home at night. Temps will be in the high teens to low twenties. The daytime highs will be slightly higher, in the ...
Single Quote ‘ Alt + 39 Left Round Bracket or Parenthesis ( Alt + 40 Right Round Bracket or Parenthesis ) Alt + 41 Asterisk or Multiplication * Alt + 42 Plus Sign + Alt + 43 Comma , Alt + 44 Minus or Dash or Hyphen – Alt + 45 Dot or Full stop . Alt + 46 Right Slash / ...
was the fact that this man spent hours studying every day after hard manual labor. Without batting an eye, he would quote a translated Emerson passage before asking about the literary prestige of American writers as a whole. “And what do you all learn about Russian authors?” I recall him...
The following information is required in order for our Sales Team to process any kind of Purchase Order or Request for Quote: ① Indicate the desired Type Code (Type Codes are short series’ of letters that can be found in corresponding parts tables) ② Specify the desired Thread Size as...
I knew there was something terribly wrong with him in 2015, when he said, and I quote, "I know where she went. It's disgusting. I don't want to talk about it. It's too disgusting. Don't say it. It's disgusting. Let's not talk, we want to be very, very straight up, OK?
Informally, we quote an example in [6] to explain the problem of linearly homomorphic signature. Assume that Alice has a data set of grades m1,…,mk, which denotes the exam grades of k students in a class. For every 1≤i≤k, she gets a signature σi by signing the triple (“grades...
Just then, the alarm clock on the mantel burst into a raucous version ofJingle Bells, jolting him into action. He quickly slipped on his black boots, red coat, and furry hat, crammed the letters in a back pocket, and kissed Mrs. Claus on the cheek before bolting out the door. ...
Tall and thin at 6 foot 2 and 190 pounds with thinning wispy sandy blond hair. Jefe was a movie aficionado. He was always quoting some movie. His favorite quote was from a 20th century movie named Scarface “Come say hello to my little friend”. The rest of the fireteam was Lcpl ...
This, of course, is not the paradise that is intended by the title of the book, which is a quote of the International. As the vision of a dictatorship, the language changes to simpiler, shorter sentences, which capture a more utilitarian sense of language. While not quite as magical as...