My purpose is to connect with God’s most beautiful and clever creation, the human family, using the literary talent and imagination God gave me. My prayer is that as we journey together, we will discover encouragement and redemption in our most important relationships.Stories...
Start your day with uplifting Good Morning Poems! Share positivity, inspiration, and joy with verses that brighten mornings and spread encouragement.
Wrapping the gifts was fun, but the best part was the excited anticipation we had for Christmas morning when the family would partake in what we children had built in our minds to be theOlympicsof giving and receiving. It was as good as it gets, and after all the unwrapping, and showing...
thank you for your words of encouragement rachel - every bit helps!!!radaReply Rachel RowellJanuary 13, 2012 at 8:00 PM asdf123,That's great you found a method that worked for you guys. I heard of that method in various place. The trick is to get your baby used to you not ...
Life is short, and therefore I will… You’ll be hearing mine in a post very soon. For now, it’s your turn. Be bold. Be specific. And then go take that scary first step. Life is short and actions speak more than words.