Here’s a good one to both our Lord and his Blessed Mother, for starters: Jesus, Mary, I love you. Save souls! Here’s a good one to the Holy Spirit. This one is especially good when said with any prayer to the Holy Spirit, but is good all on its own, especially in those ti...
Catholic Mass Daily Readings 15th December 2024 – Third Sunday of Advent My Utmost For His Highest 15th December 2024 – Approved unto God Creflo Dollar Daily Devotional 14th December 2024, Saturday Rod Parsley Devotional 14th December 2024 – A New Name Kenneth Copeland Devotional 14th Decem...
often associated with learning it by heart. InMidsummer Night’s DreamPeter Quince begs Bottom and his fellow actors to “con” their parts in his play. Any good Catholic has, in this sense of the word, conned the Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary, maybe the Apostles Creed, etc. It...
Seminarians today tend to be more conservative and traditional, desiring to stress personal meditation and prayer, administering the sacraments, preaching, tending to people’s needs and caring for the sick, according to 1987 research titled, “Seminary Life and Visions of the Priesthood: A National...
~ Prayer is everything! Most prayers don’t involve asking for things I want (I did say ‘most’) ~ they are to thank God for those He’s given me and all He’s done for me, and very specific prayers for the people I love. Now, I confess that I am a chronic worrier~always ...
It was meant to be a collection of chorale preludes, not only for the ordinary church seasons but also for occasions when such subjects as the Lord’s Prayer, or Penitence, were being emphasized. The paper is of a kind that Bach used, as far as is known, only in 1714. A few items...
InEucharistic Prayer IVthe Church–as One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic–is abasedby eliminating the Roman Canon’s petition for all orthodox believers who keep the Catholic and Apostolic faith. These are now merely all who seek you with a sincere heart. ...
Catholic Public Domain VersionI, your servant, shall procede a little ways from the Jordan with you. I am not in need of this recompense.New American BibleIn escorting the king across the Jordan, your servant is doing little enough! Why should the king give me this reward?New Revised ...
to our most blessed house of the lord, so close to one of the most holy of days. Some of you have traveled so far to come, and for that I and the lord thank you and bless you and your loved ones, for it is for good reason I have called you all here on this day for prayer...
On a Sunday night there were a dinner party at the country club and a tryst at a roadside tourist cabin and a prayer meeting at the Lutheran Church and three drunks telling lies in the men’s room of the bus depot and a Negro child dying f leukemia on Jitney Street and a young ...