Electrophysiological Mechanism of the Short PR Interval in Pompe Disease The pathophysiological cause of the short PR interval usually associated with glycogenosis of the heart (Pompe disease) has not been explained. In an effort to define this abnormality, intracardiac electrocardiography was performed in...
The electrocardiogram (ECG) showed sinus rhythm with a prolonged PR interval of 400ms. The echocardiogram revealed mild mitral valve regurgitation with mitral E-A fusion during ventricular diastole. The patient received left bundle branch area pacing to shorten the AV conduction time.#In patients ...
we used a passive oddball paradigm instead of an explicit timing task. In both conditions, deviant intervals could be either shorter (early) or longer (delayed) than the standard interval. The main advantage of this passive oddball paradigm ...
Systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings were found to be raised to near hypertension levels in smokers (140/90mm of Hg) in comparison to the non-smokers (120/70mm of Hg), (p<0.0001). No significant differences were observed in PR interval, QRS complex, RR interval, ST segment. ...
problems are directly related to heart diseases such as atrial enlargement, ventricular hypertrophy, myocardial infarction (MI), pre-excitation syndrome, and heart blockages, while others are related to descriptive diagnosis, such as a prolonged QT interval, ST-segment changes, and shortened PR ...
Surface EMG activity from the right First Dorsal Interosseous (FDI) muscle was recorded using three disposable EMG electrodes placed in a belly-tendon montage and connected to a CED Micro 1401 (Cambridge Electronic Design, Cambridge, UK). ECG raw signals were amplified and band-pass filtered (...
However, in the high omega-3 group, the associations were either null or in a direction of mitigation of the adverse effects. The detailed results are described below. We only report effect estimates [95% confidence interval (CI)] for markers significantly associated with either PM2.5 or O3 ...
Many patients report symptoms of palpitations or dizziness/presyncope. These patients are often referred for 24-hour Holter ECG, although the sensitivity for detecting relevant arrhythmias is comparatively low. Intermittent short ECG recording over a lon
A typical waveform of ECG in sinus rhythm is composed of the P-wave, QRS-complex, and T-wave. However, in AF, chaotic fibrillatory waves can affect the morphology of P-wave, and the RR-interval is not constant among beats [2]. Some wearable or ambulatory 12-lead ECG cardiac ...
A short course of individualized multimodal prehabilitation prior to surgery with high-intensity interval training, resistance training, dietary and nutritional support, and medical optimization has not previously been described in high-risk frail colon cancer patients. Thus, it was not clear if it was...