Here’s the synopsis: ‘Directed by Susanne Serres, Zaya follows its titular character who is a contemporary dancer and has just realized her love for her dance partner Nadege. But first she must realize her love for herself, overcoming her fears and opening up about who she is to her moth...
Based on a poem by Muita Muthee on unrequited love, 'The In-Between' is a poetic, abstract, and dreamlike romance short that uses dance and metaphorical imagery to tell the story of a couple that could have been had they committed to speaking their truth to each other. ...
For me, in this moment, it feels like the poem has almost given up, the “something sometimes” just can’t go full revolutionary, is on the verge of throwing up its hands. If we can’t even say anything truly nasty about spoiled billionaires, how can this poem take on capitalism the...
and reflection on life.Short Poems & Quotes|Poems| Poems About LifeByCatherine Pulsifer, updated November 7, 2024A collection of inspiring short poems about life that we feel are the best to inspire and encourage you. Living your life to the fullest is what we should all strive to do. Man...
THE POEM WE SANG di Annie Sakkab Canada, Palestine, Jordan, 2024 THE EMPTY PAGE LA PAGINA VUOTA di Mandeep Lion Italia, 2024 ARTEMISIA GENTILESCHI, HER GENTLE STRENGTH ARTEMISIA, LA SUA FORZA GENTILE di Alessandra Romani Italia, 2023 SKIN SKIN di Leo Behrens Usa, 2023 ...
Let us know which short inspirational poem resonated with you the most using the comment section below. What are the benefits of reading these short inspirational poems? Poetry is a method of expression that uses specific words, their meaning or interpretation, and rhythm to deliver exciting and ...
The “Ten Songs on Kayō [Kayō jūei 河陽十詠]” is a seven-character short poem sequence from the Heian period in Japan. Its formal elements are similar to those of the Chinese seven-character short poem, and it shares structural qualities with Qi-Liang style gexing composed by Heian ...
This is a dance performance visual that is empowering for women. The narration is a poem that was written by Chelsea Queen. The poem has flourished into a visual for women that is motivational and empowering. This performance visual is a different form of shorts that has been taken and made...
4.the plot or succession of incidents of a novel, poem, drama, etc. 5.a narration of incidents or events. 6.a report of the facts concerning a matter in question. 7.a lie; fabrication. 8.Archaic.history. v.t. ornament with pictured scenes, as from history or legend. ...
a great deal of money a great difference as a great love a great mistake a great poem is a fou a great poet is a psy a great turn and a green product a groovy kind of love a group of dinner gue a guai a guide for reading t a guide to classroom a guide to yeast two- a guil...