InSTOMACH IT, a crime scene cleaner struggles with emotionally detaching from the deceased’s personal possessions. While on a late night job, he convinces himself a monstrous presence is toying with him. For more Screamfest,click here! Share this! Tweet Reddit Email More Like this:LikeLoading....
Soon after his publication of the poem, Beckett published a short but radical pieceProust.It is the study of a deceased author who is much admired by Beckett. The work was received but limelight and also assisted and uncertain and inexperienced artists to shape his aesthetics. In the same yea...
For example, he produced “The Staple of News” about journalism, and “The New Inn”. Johnson also wrote the poem “An Ode to Himself” about his self-praise because his works were less appreciated by the audience. He was perhaps also disappointed by the ignorance he received from the ...
A strictly scary poem by the master of fantasy, Robert E. Howard. The Halloween Haunt is on Google+, Facebook and on Twitter @HalloweenHaunt. Find more haunting poetry and prose at Read the poem for yourself (scroll down a bit). Music: “Shadows” by Sam Haynes ...
Or is the old gentleman himself the deceased? Armstrong leaves the reader to wonder. Armstrong was also adept at the humorous story, which he could turn to both bitter and fantastic purposes. In “The Camberwell Beauty”, a passing comparison, made in conversation, between a young woman and...
S. Eliot’s poem, The Wasteland. I turned to it recently because I was interested in learning how people who actually believed in magic thought it worked. In current fantasy fiction, magic often involves little more than pointing a wand and saying something vaguely Latinate or unpronounceable...
The installation was called “Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red” a quote from a poem found on the body of an unknown British soldier. In recent years it has become compulsory for anyone in public life to be seen the wearing the flower; no one ever appears on British television in ...
“I think he had a heart attack” Replied one elderly man with a dubious connection to the deceased. “At his age?” Sharon asked loud enough for everyone to hear. “No, he was shot. I heard the gun blast myself.” Said his neighbor whose name he couldn’t remember. ...
I don’t think it has to be an either or, but I would concentrate on short stories for a while. You’ll grow as a writer if you practice here. And good writing is good writing. I had a teacher once who made us take our short story and turn it into a poem, to show us what ...
Teri was happy with her baby for six months until the Action Squad discovered Flo was the incarnation of the recently-deceased Captain Champion. They take her away to be a superhero again, and Teri doesn’t even bother with the spiral on the way down. ...