is a quotation attributed to Adolph Hitler in a speech he gave in 1939. The implication of the rhetorical question was that if the Turks could eradicate a substantial portion of its Armenian population in the 1910s and face few diplomatic consequences for its actions, then what was there to ...
XXX’s speech is usually understood when speaking in single words. Intelligibility decreases when words are within phrases and sentences. An assessment of sound production indicates that most speech sounds (with the exception of “l”, “th”, and “v”) are present. XXX is not always a will...
short形容词 短形() 短期形() 不常见: 短的形 · 短暂形 · 小结形 · 很短形 · 低矮形 · 俴形 · 轾形 short名词 短裤名 例子: word (general term including monosyllables through short phrases)— 词语 make a speech (esp. short introduction, vote of thanks, afterword, funeral homily etc...
Short films are great for picking up many new vocabulary words and phrases in a short amount of time. You can learn a lot through trailers, too! Check out this video, which uses a movie trailer from a film featuring actor Benedict Cumberbatch to help you learn English: ...
Easily remembered mnemonic phrases, abbreviations, or rhymes can help move short-term memories into long-term storage. A few common examples include: ROY G BIV: An acronym that represents the first letter of each color of the rainbow—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet ...
Some examples of phrases that don't mean the only possible sum of their parts“Witch hunt”“Netflix and chill”“Cognitive Behavioral Therapy”“Operations Research”“Game Theory”“Bayes’ Theorem”“Free Software” Arguably this is basically the same procedure that was used for single words re...
短缺名 short形容词 短形() 短期形() 不常见: 短的形 · 短暂形 · 小结形 · 很短形 · 低矮形 · 俴形 · 轾形 例子: word (general term including monosyllables through short phrases)— make a speech (esp. short introduction, vote of thanks, afterword, funeral homily etc)— ...