The brain is highly susceptible to oxidative injury, and the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) has been shown to be affected by pathological conditions, such... EMF Brekke,AB Walls,A Schousboe,... - 《J Cereb Blood Flow Metab》 被引量: 63发表: 2012年 加载更多研究...
0 Next two notes are a dotted group C Velocity 16 (ppp) V Velocity 32 (pp) B Velocity 48 (p) N Velocity 64 (mp) M Velocity 80 (mf) , Velocity 96 (f) . Velocity 112 (ff) / Velocity 127 (fff) - Sustain inserted note(s) Q Quantize note starts on/offBlog...
Duren, R.E., Trantham, E.C., 1997: Sensitivity of the dispersion correction to Q error, Short Note, Geophysics 62, 288-290.Duren, R. E., and Trantham, E. C., 1997, Sensitivity of the dispersion correction to Q error: Geophysics, 62, 288-290....
It is important to note that 63% of those that have not completed the course have yet to commence the first module, indicating many non-completers have yet to begin the course. Completion rate could be improved through marketing/technology by sending reminders to those that have registered, ...
Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Supplementary Information Below is the link to the electronic supplementary material. Supplementary file1 (DOCX 168 KB) Rights and permissions Springer Nature or its licens...
If =1: EC200U&EG915U_Series_TCP/IP_Application_Note 27 / 58 Maximum Response Time Characteristic LTE Standard Module Series If the socket service is closed successfully: OK +QIURC: "closed", If it is failed to close the socket service: ERROR 10 s by default, depending on the setting ...
EC200T_Series_TCP/IP_Application_Note 6 / 48 LTE Standard Module Series EC200T Series TCP/IP Application Note Recommended Power on/off: 1. Power off: Send AT+QPOWD command, and then cut off power after 12s or more. 2. Power on: Keep power key as low for 2s, and then pull it ...
Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here. Article Metrics Article Access Statistics For more information on the journal statistics, click here. Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view...
P., 1999, Short Note - A recipe for stability of finite-difference wave-equation computations: Geophysics, 64, No. 3, 967-969.Lines, L.R., Slawinski, R. and Bording, R.P., 1999. Short note: A recipe for stability of finite-difference wave-equation computations, Geophysics, 64, 967...
molbank Short Note SS((hhEEoorr))tt--NN11oott--ee((22,,55--DDiimmeetthhyyllpphheennyyll))--33--pphheennyyllpprroopp--22--eenn--11--oonnee (DEav)id-1B.-C(2or,d5es-,DIainimA. Semtehlliye *lpanhd BernianyAl.)C-h3al-mpehrs e* nylprop-2-en-1-one David B. Cordes, ...