Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Wikipedia short·leaf pine (shôrt′lēf′) n. A pine tree(Pinus echinata)of the southeast United States, having needles grouped in fascicles of two and valued as timber and pulpwood. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. ...
Glyphosate is the world’s most used herbicide and a central component of modern industrial agriculture. It has also been linked to a variety of negative health and environmental effects. For instance, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to...
Salvage logging is still one of the most common post-disturbance practices. It consists of the harvesting of dead or damaged trees from sites after disturbance events, sometimes followed by plantation (Lindenmayer and Noss2006; Lindenmayer et al.2008). However, several negative consequences on natur...
ecology and agriculture). It was during the brief but intense association between Mollison and Holmgren, thrashing out ideas in Mollison’s lounge room on the lower slopes
After at least 200 years of cultivation, a higher abundance of illite is observed under agriculture that may be attributed to fertilisation and collapse of 2:1 clays minerals following K exchange. This was in agreement with the higher proportion of K on the cation exchange capacity (CEC) under...
In order for this product to be used in the United States, a center must currently have a license from the US Department of Agriculture and an investigational new drug approval (IND) from the FDA. As this drug is consid- ered experimental in the United States, the cost of the prod- ...
Traps alert plantation workers to trees infested (寄生) with weevils so they can eliminate them before they cause any real damage. And this targeted approach means less pesticide is used, ___ the impact on other species. ___, the Californian agriculture technology startup FarmSense uses visual...
on less “mainstream” agricultural activities, such as vegetable production (e.g., onions, cabbage, asparagus production) to maximize profits. One interviewed farmer mentioned: “Agriculture is a very profitable business. However, if you want to make profit in agriculture, you must not grow what...
Based on this evidence, and that from agriculture, we propose further research to acquire a better understanding of the build-up of harmful soil microbes in short-rotation plantation forestry, and suggest crop rotation and intercropping strategies to avoid this malady in the future. Summary The...
As horticultural products are generated in a very short time after plantation, close forecasting of price may provide farmers more profit by choosing vegetables for plantation and guiding the appropriate harvesting time. In this paper, we have analyzed the performance of some machine learning and ...