The smuggling of taxed goods, like tobacco or alcohol, has always been a lucrative cross-border crime business. The very high excises for tobacco in the United Kingdom since the 1990's has stimulated the already existing cigarette smuggling from the continent, particularly from Eastern Europe. ...
“I’ve had an accident on the highway and need to rest for the remainder of the day, per the Emergency Department doctor. I’ll provide a note when I return to work.” “I slipped on the ice on my front steps this morning, and I’m waiting to get checked out by the doctor.”...
Additional information Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Midgett, A., Doumas, D.M. Acceptability and Short-Term ...
Note that all time-varying control variables could also potentially mediate the relationship of UUS with short-term mindsets. Thus, the actual effects of UUS on short-term mindsets may be underestimated with these controls included. In addition, we also run three sets of exploratory models ...
Given the training on offer, it’s not possible for AIs to selectively improve their capabilities without changing their values/goals. Note, if it is possible for the AIs to improve their capabilities while keeping their values/goals, one out is that their current values/goals may ...
NOTE: My short storyMemoir of a Mad Womanis on sale for99¢through the weekend. You can get your copyhere. BLURB: A novelette from the award-winning author of The Fall of Lilith and Son of the Serpent, Vashti Quiroz-Vega. Who can explain how madness begins?
While we’re on the subject of money, and things people have said, let’s note these all together, shall we? It sounds so odd to phrase it this way that I’m a bit nervous about saying it, but here goes anyway: fantasy doesn’t make different stories possible, but sometimes it make...
Written Note Film Credit 11claimed Ships toUnited States of America Tier 3 $50 USD Receive a thank you video from the director (Publicly on social media or through direct message), a more prominent spot in the film's credits, and early access to the behind-the-scenes footage!
‘That’s no crime’, said the magistrate. ‘Just how early were you doing this shopping?’‘Before the shop opened’, answered the prisoner.5 Clean Christmas Quotes:After discussing multiple short Christmas stories, let’s move on to a few Christmas quotes: ...
{i} )\), respectively41. It is important to note that a user can participate in multiple ECs, each with at least two members. Since different forms of communication on social media tend to have different effects. The retweet function plays a crucial role in promoting polarization, and ...