Unleash the power of stories that are full of creativity and realism within a span of few minutes. This compilation of narrative consists of several themes ranging from camaraderie, battles, funny bits, and wisdom in each reading. Each tale comes alive with the addition of colorful animatics and...
With a rich narrative that provides social commentary and depicts frequent class conflicts,this volumecollects twenty of the two hundred short stories that Chekhov wrote throughout his short life. All the stories in the collection were written between 1886 and 1899 — the author’s most fruitful y...
Why we love it: This Native American story tells the narrative of a woman, Tusee, who takes action against an enemy tribe when her love is captured. It’s a love story written by an author from the Dakota. 70. The Adventure of the Speckled Band by Arthur Conan Doyle “It was early ...
Take, for example, Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl.” This piece of personal narrative blurs the lines that separate a short story from a poem. Some argue that Kincaid wrote a poem, while others insist that it is flash fiction.“Girl” embraces techniques used in poetry but contains the major ...
Why we love it: Maya Angelou is a must-read for students. In this narrative, she takes the American perspective and turns it on its head, challenging students to really think. 56. All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury Why we love it: Teaching this story in the 21st century means you ...
142 Abbreviation for Dead Winter [diminished by 1,794] 6 votes This experimental short approaches storytelling from a unique angle, employing text onscreen and abstract visuals to depict an elusive narrative about lost love and longing. Challenging traditional formats, this inventive piece transports ...
Short essays on short poems, written mostly by Adam Sol. Find the book at https://ecwpress.com/products/how-a-poem-moves
The narrative takes place over one day. It starts with Thomas, just one year into his service, waiting to be taken to the brig and ends with him behind bars. Not a lot of action, in other words, but a lot goes on. This is a story about systemic racism. Thomas, we learn, had le...
With inspirations including Alice Munro, Joe Hill, Stephen King, Margaret Atwood and Edgar Allan Poe; Tamel’s expositions are strongly grounded in traditions of dark fiction. Yet, with his bold narrative voice and incisive plot construction, Wino is paving a new movement within the space. ...
Reading for Ages 6-8 By this age, you will start to read short stories online all on your own, but the great thing about audio stories is you can listen online as you read along! Go ahead and try to read aloud with some of these free online short stories and poems or just listen ...