Morimoto and Amir [17] proposedContext Switch(CS) concept to activate a key selection. The CS concept is based onKey-focusandKey-selectiontask-oriented eye movements. TheKKBoardinterface replicates same keyboard layout placed in two separate screen regions, called as contexts (see Fig.1(b)) whe...
Weiskrantz L (1990) The Ferrier lecture 1989. Outlooks for blindsight: explicit methodologies for implicit processes. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 239:247–278 Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Wiesel TN, Hubel DH (1966) Spatial and chromatic interactions in the lateral geniculate body of the...
Other Tips Add zeros in front of numbers by right-clicking the cell to “Format Cells” by Custom, entering “00000” into the field Freeze Panes to make a big spreadsheet easier to read Use =UPPER( ) or =LOWER( ) to quickly change case of cells Press CMD+ALT+Return to create a sec...
The discovery of transition metal-catalysed polymerisation of olefins in the 1950s by Ziegler and Natta was of huge importance. Over the last 30 years, the interest in homogenous polymerisation has not only grown but has changed focus from primarily studying the metallocene complexes of Group 4 to...
At the 1875 meeting of the American Medical Association, Sayre delivered another important lecture on phimosis. He informed his audience that he had discovered that a long, adherent foreskin could cut off circulation to the spinal column and thereby cause la- meness, curvature of the spine, ...
The electrical and optical properties of such SPSLs, as well as the design and fabrication of deep UV light-emitting devices based on these materials, are described and discussed. Keywords: III-nitrides; short period superlattices; light emitters 1. Introduction The invention of semiconductor double...
We then propose a deep autoencoder-based neural network model with symmetrical layers for the encoder and the decoder to learn temporal correlations of a transportation network and predicting traffic congestion. Our experimental results on the SATCS dataset show that the proposed DCPN model can ...
In Proceedings of the Advances in Cryptology—CRYPTO 2015, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 16–20 August 2015; Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2015; Volume 9215, pp. 724–741. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] Shor, P.W. Polynomial-Time ...
In order to facilitate the lecture, Table 1 summarizes the main MP immobilized on LDH and discussed above. Table 1. Summary of the main MP immobilized in LDH in Section 2.1. MP Fe or Mn glycol metalloporphyrin [Fe(TDFSPP)] and [Fe(TCFSPP)] Mn(TPP)OAc CoPcS (phthalocyanine) [Fe(TDCS...