【预订】A Short History of Nigeria 预订商品,按需印刷,需要1-3个月发货,非质量问题不接受退换货。¥647.78 降价通知 暂无评分 0人评分精彩评分送积分 作者 Crowder, Michael 查看作品 出版 Literary Licensing, LLC 查看作品 分类 图书>英文原版书>文学 Literature ...
A. O. SomorinDermatology Unit, Department of Medicine, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Private Mail Bag 12003, Lagos, Nigeria.John Wiley & Sons, LtdInternational Journal of DermatologySomorin A.O, A short history of dermatology in Lagos, Nigeria. Int J Dermatol. 1973; 12: 332-335...
A Kind of Madness by Uche Okonkwo Paperback: Apr 2024 A searing, unflinching collection of stories set in Nigeria that explores themes of community expectations, familial strife, and the struggle for survival. Summary Read an Excerpt Reader Reviews ...
the collection is divided into two parts and contains seventeen different stories full of labyrinths (both literal andmetaphorical), philosophical issues, and whole universes where reality blends with myth, legend, history, and fantasy
History of Short Story Magazines No Longer in Publication Below is a list of short story magazines that have now closed for submissions or ceased publication. Short Story MagazineCountrySubmissions AddressPaymentShort Story Magazine Notes Aesop Magazine UK WEBSITE NOT BEEN UPDATED IN AGES, so removed...
What Is African Art?: A Short History 类型:简装书作者:Probst, PeterISBN13:9780226793153出版于:2022-12-06 普通订购433元519元国外仓库 至苏州发货中心至 客户地址(中国大陆地址顺丰包邮)苏州发货中心发货时间:03月03日~03月17日(受春节影响),请在今天17点前付款 ...
This short story by Nigerian author Nnedi Okorafor was nominated for the prestigious WSFA Small Press Award. The journey takes readers to a future Nigeria where Big Oil companies have taken control of AI’s, which resemble spiders, but are known as ‘zombies’. When the protagonist encounters ...
NIGERIA'S NEW WRITING AND THE SHRINKING IMAGINATIVE AFFLATUS: SOME THEORETICAL AND CRITICAL RESPONSES The essay attempts a short historical survey of the Nigerian novel which is its concern and argues that in spite of the quantum of these creative eruptions that has been thrown up; the writings ...
This scary short story takes place in Nigeria. The three main characters are all Nigerian women with a powerful secret. As the main character desperately tries to undo the consequences of her terrible scientific experiment/invention gone wrong, your students will definitely pick up on some similarit...
Sex, smoking history, and age distributed equally across strata. The majority of the participants hold an undergraduate degree (61.1%). About 70.4% of them had no children. The occupation of the participants were mainly technical professionals (40.1%), staff in government agencies/institutions/...