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View on YouTube. Grill Dog. An ethnocentric, misogynist 12-year-old confronts death and learns empathy in this screwball-turns-dark comedy short. View on Vimeo. Growth.Growthportrays the rise and downfall of a family over the course of 20 years, in one living room, in a single shot. Mad...
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for over 30 years. Refusing to wait for his big break, Jeskid took to the web in 2003 and has since created over a thousand pieces of content. He has written and directed two independent features online, was one of the first vloggers (pre-YouTube), and has innovated at every stage....
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for over 30 years. Refusing to wait for his big break, Jeskid took to the web in 2003 and has since created over a thousand pieces of content. He has written and directed two independent features online, was one of the first vloggers (pre-YouTube), and has innovated at every stage....
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This answer will change depending on the day that you ask it, but today I'll say An American Werewolf in London. To me that's a film that has it all. It's both really scary and laugh out loud funny - an incredible hard task for a movie to pull off tonally....