WKND = weekend WU = what’s up? X = kiss XLNT = excellent XOXOX = hugs and kisses YMMV = your mileage may vary (i.e. your experience may differ) YR = your 2 to= too 2DAY = today 2MORO = tomorrow 2NITE = tonight 3SUM = threesome 4 = for · asl : a=age,s=sex,l=location...
, the relationship dispatchers form with their callers through the means of a telephone is one that we will likely see develop and grow overtime, and if such an idea is carried out with the kind of heartbreaking realism and brutal honesty these two shorts have depicted, I'm all for it...
I was going to give it a 1 for the time I've wasted on that. But then I thought that, since I got a big kick out of people trying to give me their own analysis of it, I wanted to give it a 10. So I'll give it a 5. ...
Wasted: Directed by Tobia Passigato. With Nicol Angelozzi, Eugenio Franceschini, Luciano Miele. A young shipwreck is located on a garbage island in the middle of the Ocean. There is an older shipwreck that inhabits the island for countless years. They be
Pengjie Gao, Ivalina Kalcheva, and Tongshu Ma. Short Sales and the Weekend Effect - Evidence from Hong Kong, work-ing paper, 2006.Short Sales and the Weekend Effect-Evidence form Hong Kong. Gao,P,Kalcheva,I,Ma,T. Working Paper,University of Arizona . 2006...
Now, Freeform has released the schedule for its traditional “25 Days of Christmas” programming. Last year, Freeform was #1 for holiday viewership for the 11th year out of 12 years reaching almost 37 million viewers!This year, fans can expect holiday classic films and movies from Disney, ...
I saw this movie last weekend and thought it was the most boring film I'd seen in quite some time. The characters are such self-indulgent whiners with no basis for their angst besides 9/11, an angle that's poorly realized in the script. "I'm so beautiful and have such a great life...
钱女士32岁,G1P0,未避孕,停经50天,少量阴道出血3天,突然右下腹剧烈撕裂样疼痛。检查:血压80/40mmHg,右下腹压痛、反跳痛明显,但肌紧张不明显。妇科检查:后穹隆穿刺抽出不凝血2ml,宫颈举痛+,宫口闭,子宫正常大小有漂浮感,双侧附件触诊不满意,最可能的诊断是 ...
English Homework for Weekend))〉⊙)Contents(内Evaluation Form(评价 )Write a short passage to deseribe how you have changed Use the grammar. underline it. and1write more than 40 words correctly Requirements I I se the grammar point2Use the grammar. and write more used to" and underline it...
Truth was,I’d managed to lose my shared-taxi. I was traveling from Benin to Togo, and being a ‘foreigner’, I’d had to be stamped in/out of both countries, rather than doing as the locals do & showing ‘ID’ in the form of small-value local currency. I’d left my luggage ...