Health StatusAdolescentAdultMiddle AgedPostal ServiceObjectives—To gain population norms for the short form 36 health survey questionnaire (SF 36) in a large community sample and to explore the questionnaire's internal consistency and validity. Design—Postal survey by using a booklet containing the ...
The Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36) is used to indicate the health status of particular populations, to help with service planning and to measure the impact of clinical and social interventions. Culture-specific data are required to calculate SF-36 norm-based scores. Currently,...
Angela Coulter, Lucie WrightAbstractObjectives-To gain population norms for theshort form 36 health survey questionnaire (SF36)in a large community sample and to explore thequestionnaire's internal consistency and validity.Design-Postal survey by using a booklet contain-ing ...
The Short Form-36 (SF-36) health questionnaire has been put forward as a general measure of outcome in health care and has been evaluated in several recent studies in the UK. We report its use in three groups of patients after spinal operations and have compared it with the Oswestry and ...
The Short Form-36 (SF-36) health questionnaire has been put forward as a general measure of outcome in health care and has been evaluated in several recent studies in the UK. We report its use in three groups of patients after spinal operations and have compared it with the Oswestry and ...
The Short-Form 36 (SF-36) Health Survey is a brief self-administered questionnaire that generates scores across 8 dimensions of health. It has been found to be reliable, and valid in terms of criteria such as agreement with clinical diagnosis and disease severity, but its underlying values hav...
The aim of the present study was to examine the in-depth application of the Short-Form-(SF)-36 Health Survey to score the general well-being in fibromyalgia syndrome (FS) patients. Quality of life was evaluated in 12 patients with FS. With respect to mental well-being (social functioning...
THE SHORT-FORM-36 HEALTH SURVEY 1 THE SHORT … 热度: Leeds Dyspepsia Questionnaire- Short Form (LDQ-SF) 热度: SHORT FORM-36 (SF36) SURVEY 热度: MedicalOutcomesStudyQuestionnaireShortForm36HealthSurvey(SF-36) About:TheSF-36isanindicatorofoverallhealthstatus. ...
Conclusion:In general, this study provides evidence that the SF-36 questionnaire is suitable measures for assess the QOL of medical students in China. 展开 关键词: Medical student Quality of life The 36-item short form health survey (SF-36 Reliability Validity ...
THESHORT-FORM-36HEALTHSURVEY1 ExcerptfromIanMcDowell,"MeasuringHealth:aGuidetoRatingScalesandQuestionnaires".Copyright©Oxford UniversityPress,NewYork,2006 THESHORT-FORM-36HEALTHSURVEY (RandCorporationandJohnE.WareJr.,1990,revised1996) Purpose The36-itemshortformoftheMedicalOutcomesStudyquestionnaire(SF-36)...