According to one study, women with more job experience suffer the most. Jerusalem Demsas – The Atlantic Four years after the great remote-work experiment began, the public debate has boiled down to: Bosses hate it and workers love it. That’s the story we’re told time and again in a...
Short Film (Live Action)Binta and the Great Idea (Binta Y La Gran Idea) -- Javier Fesser, no other credits shown Luis Manso Produced multiple features Éramos Pocos (One Too Many) -- Borja Cobeaga Writer, multi films and television series Helmer & Son -- Søren Pilmark no other ...
The songs show a seasoning that comes with experience, particularly “Please Please Please” and its hilarious video, which stars her real-life paramour, actor Barry Keoghan, and is written from the perspective of a woman who loves her man but is just about done with his bullshit....
Sullivan (Pencils with Erasers Podcast) and John Nuckel (, are presenting the first audition, a script for a feature film titled “The Front Runner.” Based on a true story from the Chicago Board of Trade, the film chronicles a man’s attempt in 1992 to corner the 30-...
Sarah, attended performing arts high schools and introduced her to an early influence — the 2008 musical “13,” starring a pre-Nickelodeon Ariana Grande (whom Carpenter would open for just a few years later). Carpenter showed precocious talent, and her family began taking her to...