Bizarre Silks, Private Imaginings and Narrative Facts, etc. - An exhibition by Nick Mauss (group)02.07 - 04.26Kunsthalle Basel (Basel, Switzerland) (1)(18) MAD AS HELL - Decades of Protest (group)02.07 - 03.13Galerie Reinhard Hauff (Stuttgart, Germany) (1)(1) Frances Stark - US Greatest...
35. the long and the short of it the essential points or facts [Old English lang; related to Old High German lang, Old Norse langr, Latin longus] long (lɒŋ) vb (intr; foll by for or an infinitive) to have a strong desire [Old English langian; related to long1] long (l...
Even these facts, however, his aspect scantily matched; partly, no doubt, because he looked, as was usually said, un-English. His black hair, cropped close, was lightly powdered with silver, and his dense glossy beard, that of an emir or a caliph, and grown for civil reasons, repeated...
27. (Forestry) (tr) dialect Austral and NZ to fell (trees) 28. (Cricket) cricket (of a batsman's wicket) to be taken by the bowling side: the sixth wicket fell for 96. 29. archaic to begin to do: fall a-doing; fall to doing. 30. fall flat to fail to achieve a desired...
I will let the facts speak for themselves. *** That evening Peter… Continued in Part 2 (the role reversal) Echoes of solitude – A poem by Fatemeh Featured / 1 Comment This is a poem sent to me by a reader (and friend) from Iran, who was inspired by Yao Lu’s poem: Disappear...
Short-Faced Bear Facts: Lesson for Kids Animals Related to Dinosaurs: Lesson for Kids 3:54 Facts about Dinosaur Eggs: Lesson for Kids Types of Elephants: Lesson for Kids Elephant Anatomy: Lesson for Kids African Bush Elephant Facts: Lesson for Kids Ibex Facts: Lesson for Kids Ch ...
Many rare European animals such as wolverine, wild forest reindeer, elk, flying squirrel, European brown bears and wolves can be found in our region. During our excursions we not only provide scientific facts about these animals, but we also relate associated traditional tales and beliefs to our...
Fun Facts The American Shorthair is one of the most popular breeds in America. Despite their popularity, not many people know about or understand the breed. In this article, we’ll discuss the American Shorthair cat’s characteristics, where you can find one, and all the details of their...
The students have to read many books especially story-books so their understanding of the people around them will be broadened and deepened. The people make this world. Understanding of the people will make one close to the society. We are born into this world to live together and love each...
1. A 细节理解题 选项BCD都是关于雨林的重要性,均可以在“But First, Facts about Rainforests”部分找到对应的陈述,只有A不是重要性且表述不符。 2. A 词义推测题 根据下文介绍的砍伐森林的现状可知,现下的毁林速度非常快,由此可推断这一个令人警醒反思的事实。sobering意为“令人警醒,使人冷静(making you fee...