语音教学short e words 益伴每日学英语 2024-01-09 05:00 发表于 上海
Define short. short synonyms, short pronunciation, short translation, English dictionary definition of short. adj. short·er , short·est 1. Having little length; not long. 2. Having little height; not tall. 3. Extending or traveling not far or not far e
e. shorts Undershorts. 2. a. A short sale. b. One that sells short. 3. shorts A byproduct of wheat processing that consists of germ, bran, and coarse meal or flour. 4. shorts Clippings or trimmings that remain as byproducts in various manufacturing processes, often used to make an...
所属专辑:Super Phonics 声音简介 包含短元音e的发音:嘴巴张开两根手指头大~ short e 必备词汇 猜你喜欢 787 Short Articles for Reading 2e3 by:compasspub 778 Short Articles for Reading 2e1 by:compasspub 839 Short Articles for Reading 2e2
所属专辑:Super Phonics 声音简介 包含短元音e的发音:嘴巴张开两根手指头大~ short e 必备词汇 猜你喜欢 778 Short Articles for Reading 2e1 by:compasspub 839 Short Articles for Reading 2e2 by:compasspub 787 Short Articles for Reading 2e3
official language to achieve consistency between a word, expressionorphrasewithanother word, expressionorphrasewhere both such words, expressionsorphrasespurport to be the equivalent of the same word, expressionorphraseinthe other official language in the same context. ...
* He:字母e在单词末尾开音节中发/i:/。 * twelve:字母组合el在单词中发/i:/。 * eating:字母组合ea在单词中发/i:/。 * Chinese:字母组合ese在单词中发/i:/。 **3. 音标/æ/的发音规则:** /æ/是一个短元音,发音时舌位较低,口型张开,类似于汉语拼音中的“哎”。 **4. 短文中包含/æ/...
o wordsshort i wordsThe short a soundcan be spelled:The short o sound isau or auSudl/yspelled: The short e soundThe short i sound短a音可以拼写为:au或aoorσcan be spelled:can be spelled i短o音经常拼写为:o或ae, ea, a, or ie短音可以拼写为:i短e音可以拼写为:e, ea ai或 e 相关...
Linguee +人工智能=DeepL翻译器 翻译较长的文本,请使用世界上最好的在线翻译! ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 short形— 短形 · 短的形 · 短期形 · 短暂形 · 小结形 · 很短形 · 低矮形 · 轾形 · 俴形 phrase名— 句名 · 短语名 ·
e. shorts Undershorts. 2. a. A short sale. b. One that sells short. 3. shorts A byproduct of wheat processing that consists of germ, bran, and coarse meal or flour. 4. shorts Clippings or trimmings that remain as byproducts in various manufacturing processes, often used to make an...