short-dated gilts.A definition of the term "short-dated gilts" is presented. It refers to government stocks which mature in less than five years from the date of purchase.EBSCO_bspBloomsbury Business Library - Business & Management Dictionary... Banks are required to declare a percentage in liquid funds of deposits they mobilise from the public, either in short-dated securities or in cash. Some short-dated non-benchmark 2019 and 2020 gilts dipped into negative territory, though not for the first...
short-dated bond名词INV-FIN 专业词汇 short-datedbond(AnleihemiteinerLaufzeitvonbiszuvierJahren) Kurzläuferm 单语范例(未经PONS编辑处理) 英语 This left short-dated debt vulnerable to a fall. This pushes down the price of the short-dated bonds. ...