one rich and one poor. “Now, one Christmas eve, the poor one hadn’t so much as a crumb in the house, either of meat or bread, so he went to his brother to ask him for something to keep Christmas with, in God’s name. It was not the first time his brother had been forced ...
Inspiring short stories & poems shared by some of the most creative minds in the world that uplift and entertain.
“I don’t have much work to do around the house like some girls. My mother does that. And I don’t have to earn my pocket money by hustling; George runs errands for the big boys and sells Christmas cards. And anything else that’s got to get done, my father does. All I have ...
Short christmas poemsQKIZ
warm stories full of love and magic and the unexpected. And it’s also a giving time. So I’d like to combine those things today and offer all my readers a short story I’ve written recently. It’s calledThe Buyers,it’s for adults, it’s set not long before Christmas, and I hop...
Flexible run time, flexible cast. Use this easy outline to fully create a show based on the poems of Shel Silverstein. America’s Secret 33 characters. 10F or 33 either, flexible casting; 14 pages in length. Approximately 15 minutes running time. A play about the women of the American Rev...
Short Funny Poems and Funny Short Stories Listen online to these short funny poems, read along while you listen and laugh to these and other short funny stories! Poems for Kids! Short funny poems, Christmas poems and more! Listen to poems for kids online for FREE! Kids learn through short...
Shoebag feels for him and decides to become a boy again so he can be his friend. Short Stories by M. E. Kerr “Do You Want My Opinion?” 1984 in Sixteen: Short Stories by Outstanding Writers for Young Adults, ed. Donald R. Gallo. “The Sweet Perfume of Good-bye” 1988 in ...
Putting on a Christmas program with kids or teens? Browse this delightful collection of short Christmas plays and comedy skits for kids. Downloadable PDF's.
2) a 250-500 word guest blog post on any winter or winter holiday themed topic that is not pure promotion for your books. If you want a few ideas, common themes have been things like short true or fictional stories, recipes, poems, your favourite memories of winter, Christmas, Solstice...