I continued on my journey to building a relationship with the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Prayer is powerful and I can tell you that God answers almost all of my prayers ~ sometimes not the exact thing I prayed for, usually much better. And there are times when I wait and ...
Back to the gratefuls—I am truly grateful for YouTube and related. This morning, as I was going through my newsfeed, I came acrossFreddie Mercurysinging operatic, every time this pops up in my feed, I watch and love it, and him, all over again. Brings to mind the saying that one ...
They got to the part of mass to prepare for Eucharist where they all repeated prayers by heart. This was Mari’s favorite part. As she had done every Sunday since she could remember she recited, “Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof but just say the words and my...