Netword - November 24, 2007 Washington Post - May 13, 2006 New York Times - September 04, 2002 Washington Post - December 16, 2001 New York Times - March 04, 1999Found an answer for the clue Short stop? that we don't have? Then please submit it to us so we can make the clue ...
He breaks off as Dorothy gives a little gasp and crumples to the floor. At that moment, I catch a glimpse of someone peering in at the window. A man with his hat pulled down over his face. He comes in. There’s a bang, a flash. Not from a gun: a camera. The noise revives D...
For glue read clue, throughout. The ABC MURDERS is one of Agatha Christie’s greatest novels. It opens with the discovery of the body of an old man in the corner of an A. B. C. teashop who has been strangled with a many-knotted piece of string. The murderer is eventually revealed...