Note: I tried looking for some tall woman/short man wedding photos and couldn’t find any. Hmph! Is there anyone here in arelationshiplike this or similar?
Chmielewski P (2016) The relationship between adult stature and longevity. Tall men are unlikely to outlive their short peers--evidence from a study of all adult deaths in Poland in the years 2004-2008. Anthropol Rev70:439-460.Chmielewski P (2016) The relationship between adult stature and...
Alphonso is a seventh-grade boy who is concerned about his looks. After helping a boy who is stuck on a fence, Alphonso asks the boy’s sister to go bike riding with him. Her bike has a flat tire, so Alphonso says he can borrow his brother’s bike for her. His brother doesn’t ...
Time to set the record straight: dating a short guy doesn’t mean anunhappy relationship, just like dating a tall guy doesn’t guarantee eternal bliss. Let’s be real, height has nothing to do with how healthy and happy a relationship can be. So, here’s the deal: when you’re with...
This story by Jason Brown contrasts the platonic first love a junior high schooler feels for the boy she has been going with since sixth grade to intense feelings she develops for a classmate with a “bad boy” reputation. Initially, the new relationship appears perfect as he treats her with...
Somewhere, my relationship compass had swung off course and remained stuck, pointing my heart in the wrong direction. I had a history of intense friendships, complete with breakups more painful than any with boyfriends. I remained on better terms with my romantic exes than my platonic ones. ...
Chlorophyl: Directed by Barry Jenkins. With Ana Laura Trevino, Sasha Vaziri. The story of a young girl and her fleeting relationship with a scoundrel.
some tape, and the flyers she had made the night before. Originally, she planned to drive over to the housing tract but decided at the last minute to walk. “The exercise and fresh air will do us good, huh, boy?” Judging from his delighted yelps and dance around her legs, he agreed...
Every tall girl needs a short best friend. It is a blessing to have a bunch of friends like you. Hard times will always reveal true friends. It feels wonderful to have a friend like you… You’re my Nemo. If you get lost in the great, big ocean, I’ll find you. I love every ...
“You should see your grandson! What a handsome boy he is!” Years have passed in fact, lots of things have happened. I know all of them because Mary has been coming every day to report, just afterwork, she stops by, with fresh flowers, a broom to sweep the dry leaves and petals ...