The dynamic between 17-year-old Azi and her best friend’s father’s new girlfriend moves from passive-aggressive to outright challenge. You can cut the tension with a knife. Mann delivers enough longing looks between Wool and Goodjohn to wager guesses about each woman’s motivation. You’re...
I never had a thing about shoes, for example, and didn’t have the privilege of travel, but I could relate very well to the journey of self-discovery, to struggles with self-esteem, and to finding a home within ourselves. What struck me the most about Kaye’s recollections is how humo...
(Gods, how I embarrassed myself in front of one of my heroes. So much shame.) Why am I saying this? Partly to boast, but also partly because it’s part of my denial that Christmas is coming and the end of the year looms large in the rear view mirror. On the former festive ...
Another area where being able to do this efficiently at scale is going to be really important is once models start showing dangerous levels of capability on WMB-dangerous chem/bio/radiological/nuclear (CBRN) and self-replication skills. The best way to deal with this is to make sure these ...
Now let’s talk about the wines themselves. The first vintage produced by Biokult was in 2005. Since then they have achieved a reputation for producing fine, organic wines that are also vegan. The winemaking is overseen by husband and wife winemakers Angela and Werner Michlits who make sure...
Which, I suppose, brings me to my final, larger point. Another thing writers are told constantly is to write as much as possible. “Professional writers write.” I’ve said this myself. And it’s true. But it doesn’t mean we can or should always be forcing ourselves to work on ...
(ID 203) Difficulty: Going up stairs, that-and every time I have to go upstairs at work for the two flights, I really, really have to think about it and then pace myself … and I just take my time, and if I have to stop halfway up, I'll stop, you know, and that's-so, ...
But many of the questions we care about are much less verifiable: "How much value has this organization created?" "What is the relative effectiveness of AI safety research vs. bio risk research?" One solution attempt would be to have an "expert panel" assess these questions, but this opens...