easy-packing revolver. The barrel also features ports that help reduce recoil. This revolver is less expensive than the Model 69 and, while not as smooth or accurate, it is a fine choice for close-range personal defense. Another alternative is ...
A barrel for short-barrelled small arms of pistol/revolver type intended for shooting cartridges with non-fatal effect has the barrel itself, this is arranged as tubular guide for passage of hitting elements. On side surface of the tubular guide at least two depressions are arranged, those are...
An barrel for short-barrelled small arms of pistol/revolver type intended for shooting cartridges with elastic bullets has a barrel itself, this is arranged as cylinder with inner channel for passage of hitting elements. The channel of the barrel consists of at least three sections two straight ...
A barrel for short-barreled small arms of the pistol/revolver type intended for shooting cartridges with elastic bullets includes the barrel itself, this is arranged as a cylinder with inner channel for passage of hitting elements. The channel of the barrel consists of at least two sections two...
Barrel channel of consists of at least three sections arranged with axial symmetry along the long axis of the barrel. First section is placed in vicinity of muzzle, second one in central part of the barrel, and the third one in the back section of the barrel that adjoins cartridge chamber...
A barrel for short-barreled small arms of a pistol-revolver type intended for shooting cartridges with non-fatal effect includes the barrel itself, this is arranged as a tubular guide for passage of hitting elements. On the side surface of the tubular guide at least two depressions are ...
Out of the firearm portable short barrel, especially revolverJOSE LUIS URIARTE GOIRICELAYA