The long and the short of stock-market volatilityBy Marc GoedhartDarshit Mehta
这个问题是这样的,虽然看上去Long call和short put都是在未来股价上涨的时候盈利,但还是有细微区别的,short put其实可以理解为是“不看跌”,说明投资者对于市场看涨的预期并不是特别强烈,如果投资者强烈认为市场会涨,那直接就去买现货或者long call,但是呢,有的投资者会觉得未来市场也不会跌了,但至于能不能大幅上...
原来资产价格偏高的资产(long stock)价格会被卖跌,很快将回到无套利状态。
15:01 (1.5X) 老师,这个视频中,说 long risk reversal = long call +short put , short risk reversal = short call + long put,然后之前又说了 long stock + short call + long put 等于 risk reversal 等于 collar。但感觉还是有区别吧?前者没有股票头寸,后者有。 我这样理解对吗? 在考试中,可否严格...
首先需要注意的是,我们在期初构造了无风险组合,Long stock + short call,这个组合在期末的两种情况是等价的,也就是(h*S+ - C+) = (h*S- - C-),所以按照李老师的思路,C0也可以写成 = hS - PV(h*S+ - C+),这也就是你说的:short了PV(h*S+ - C+)这么多的bond。 而下面那个板书是CFA官方写...
long call和short stock合成long put,但是合成的long put的折点,也就是在X下方的点,不是应该跟long call的点重合吗?因为如果stock的价格升到X,short stock是没有profit和loss的,而long call只有期权费的损失,所以两个合成的long put在stock价格等于X的时候,不是应该pay-off就是call的期权费吗?为什么老师画的...
IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON LONG RUN AND SHORT RUN FINANCIAL INTEGRATION AMONG EMERGING ASIAN STOCK MARKETS Purpose --The study aims at exposing any possible impact of COVID-19 on short-run and long-run financial integration among five emerging Asian economies vi... N Bhardwaj,N Sharma,AK Mavi ...
Using a recent combined wavelet and dependence-switching copula approach, we show evidence of significant tail dependence between MENA stock markets and oil and the other global factors. The dependence structure varies across the associated different regimes and under both the short- and long-term ...
The U.S. stock market leads other stock markets in short-run in the pre and post October 1987 crash, but leads all other markets in the long-run in all periods examined. The presence of a one long-run cointegrating equilibrium relationship among the four stock market indices implies a ...
Long and short positions relate to the position an investor or trader takes in the market. Being or going long means buying a stock with the intention of profiting from its rising value. On the other hand, being or going short means betting that you'll make money from the stock falling...