“Xia Yuqian, a 33-year-old migrant from Tianjin, says she knows “lots of Shanghainese women who save all their money to buy a [hand] bag. I think it’s strange. They want to show off to other people.” But Xia, who moved to the city in 2006 to sell French wine, also relies...
Dealing in used audio equipment, computers, electronics, musical instruments and clothing, it boasts a massive, warehouse-like interior. Renowned as a veritable treasure chest for collectors, the shop sees a daily stream of regulars who come in search of forgotten masterpieces and rarities... Read...
He’s putting a lot of effort into making the space one that is both casual for customers, but also serious enough for musicians who want to experiment. He told me that too many jazz bars/clubs in Tokyo cater to only one kind of audience (older/richer) and that he’s...
He’s an extremely mellow and friendly guy who will drink and smoke along with the customers while chatting. I hadn’t been there for maybe five years but he remembered me. The new Black Sun is a bit different to the old place, more open and with space for some li...