乌克斯布里奇路的水槽,背景为伊灵医院(Water trough on the Uxbridge Road with Ealing Hospital in the background) 伦敦路的商店, 塞维诺阿克斯(Shops on London Road, Sevenoaks) 尤克斯布里奇道伊丽莎白二世邮政信箱, 牧羊灌木, 伦敦(Elizabeth II postbox on Uxbridge Road, Shepherds Bush, London) ...
In posh commuter magnet Sevenoaks they were down two per cent. Pros: a real sense of arts-led, quirky grass roots regeneration pervades Folkestone, from the street food outlets set up in shipping containers at the harbour to the public sculptures dotted around town. FOLKESTONE Kent UK 2021 - ...
伦敦路的商店, 塞维诺阿克斯(Shops on London Road, Sevenoaks) 乌克斯布里奇路的水槽,背景为伊灵医院(Water trough on the Uxbridge Road with Ealing Hospital in the background) 谢泼德灌木丛市场标志, 尤克斯布里奇道西12(Shepherd"s Bush Market sign, Uxbridge Road W12) ...