The study was planned to assess the extent of over the counter sale of antibiotics without prescription and the socio-economic and demographic factors associated. A cross sectional study was carried out in randomly selected 5 medical shops in Pune city, distributed over 5 different localities. 30...
Top 5 Fun Activities at Sinhagad Fort: Pune Adventure Awaits! Discover the top 5 fun activities at Sinhagad Fort in Pune! Unleash your adventurous spirit and explore this historic gem today. READ MORE Thrill Seekers' Guide to Fun Parks in Pune: Adventure Awaits!
Bookshops have stayed shut for a while because books were not classified as non-essential items in the new regulations that followed lockdown. But there’s good news now — bookshops in India are opening for home delivery. That’s two birds with a single stone. You are supporting book sto...
1. Any changes in the certificate of registration will be informed online in Form 'I' to the Facilitator according to section 9 of the Act within thirty days from the date the change occurred alongside the required documents to be uploaded as determined in the application and Part 'D' of t...
Dighe, Sandip
with few state-specific amendments to stay at the front line of modern turn of events and changes. It is the primary state to change the 70-year-old resolution. Considering the way that Maharashtra is having two leading commercial and industrial cities of the state - Mumbai, and Pune, this...
A Study of Adoption of Digital Payment Practices by Retail Shops in Pune RegionDigitalizationDemonetizationDigital Payment PracticesDigitalization of business processes has made very crucial contribution towards industrial as well as economic development. Technological integrations, consumerSocial Science Electronic...