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So it’s not just about avoiding unethical companies like Nutella. Ethical shoppers can still buy organic peanut butter and spreads from ethical companies, which can be found in our ethical comparison ratings table! No need to spend hours trawling Google, researching parent companies. We’ve done...
Chocolate: Ethical Comparison Ratings Table The UK is one of the world’s top chocolate consumers. So when we’re eating so much of this tasty treat, it’s important to buy ethical chocolate. Did you know that non- Fairtrade chocolate may have been produced using child labour or even ...
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Step 1: Construction of a comparison matrix in terms of TFN by a decision expert or a group of decision experts. Assume a group of ‘𝑀M’ decision-makers involved in the pairwise comparison of factors and sub-factors. Thus, ‘𝑚m’ set of matrices are obtained, 𝑆𝑚={𝑠𝑘...