使用React的基本购物车 安装 要运行该应用程序,请按照以下过程操作: 下载github仓库, 解压下载的文件夹 从终端导航到下载的文件夹 在根文件夹中运行npm install 。 在根文件夹中运行npm start 。 在浏览器中,打开url localhost:8081 将项目添加到库存 要将项目添加到库存: 打开文件src/config/config.js 编辑属性...
这个简单的购物车原型展示了如何使用React组件和Redux通过电子商务应用程序中的即时视觉更新和可伸缩代码来构建友好的用户体验。 特征 从浮动购物车中添加和删除产品 按价格从高到低和从最低到最高的顺序对产品进行排序 按可用尺寸过滤产品 重新加载页面后,产品仍保留在浮动购物车中 单元测试,集成测试和端到端测试 ...
Use Shopping Cart is a hooks library for Stripe checkout to provide an API first way of managing shopping cart state and logic. Handles one time purchases, subscriptions, and logic.
swagger-jsdoc API documentation swagger-ui API documentation React JavaScript library for building user interfaces Redux Predictable state container Material-UI CSS framework Redux Form Redux Form React-Router Declarative routing for React Axios Promise based HTTP client dotenv Environment configuration ESLint...
在学react-redux中学习官方的demo的shopping-cart,有个问题困扰了我一整天了,求各位大佬指点一下,先谢谢了。// src/reducers/products.js const products = (state, action) => { switch (action.type) { case ADD_TO_CART: return { ...state,
{ + "name": "react-shopping-cart", + "version": "0.0.0", + "dependencies": { + "react": "^18.2.0", + "react-dom": "^18.2.0", + "react-router-dom": "^6.11.1", + "recoil": "^0.7.7", + "recoil-persist": "^4.2.0", + "styled-components": "5.3.10" + }, + ...
You can install shoppingcart using npm or yarn: npm install @sreed17/shoppingcart#oryarn add @sreed17/shoppingcart Usage To integrateshoppingcartinto your React application, follow these steps: 1. Installation First, install theshoppingcartpackage via npm or yarn: ...
A React Context provider to quickly and easily build a shopping cart using Next.js or any other React framework.. Latest version: 1.0.4, last published: a year ago. Start using @mrvautin/react-shoppingcart in your project by running `npm i @mrvautin/reac
Shopping Cart A simple shopping cart inReactandTypescript. ? Technologies used React, React Query, Material UI / Icons, TypeScript, Styled Components Run Locally If you want this to contribute to this repo and run it locally, then you can follow the following steps in the terminal: ...
Initialize project using Create React App 3年前 README.md 尝试新钩子代替connect,使用ahooks的useRequest发送异步请求 3年前 config-overrides.js 增加一个分支redux,我把非父子组件通信,还有重复发送的异步请求,用redux重写,并部分做了持久化。 3年前 ...