Shopping Cart page. Django Reinhardt & Gypsy Jazz Books, CDs, Videos, Strings, Guitars, and More!
Add to Cart and Checkout You can select items which you can prefer as jewellery which are added to the cart, and users can proceed to checkout with secure payment can checkout more options and add to cart for buy. Order Tracking After purchasing jewellery, you can track your...
Install the project dependencies using pip: pip install -r requirements.txt Create a.envfile in the project root directory and configure the following environment variables: ENVIRONMENT={your environment PRODUCTION|DEVELOPMENT}MY_DOMAIN={your django secret key here}SITE...
Django+Nginx+Redis开发网上商城 上传者:qq_65898266时间:2023-09-29 品优购电商系统,SpringBoot框架 该项目利用了基于springboot + vue + mysql的开发模式框架实现的课设系统,包括了项目的源码资源、sql文件、相关指引文档等等。 【项目资源】:包含前端、后端、移动开发、操作系统、人工智能、物联网...