I like to use an electronic envelope system for my budget by using a service calledYou Need a Budget. It gives me a place to visually give each of my dollars a job. Money comes in, it is allocated to each “envelope” that I need it for that pay period, and it shows me if I h...
4. Möjlighet Tablet Stand With the proliferation of tablets and headphones in the classroom in recent years, these tablet stands will come in mighty handy. And at less than $10 each, there’s probably room in your classroom budget for a whole collection. Buy it:Möjlighetheadset ...
Lesson plan: Ways to keep back-to-school shopping from busting your budgetdoi:urn:uuid:b8381d2d287b7410VgnVCM100000d7c1a8c0RCRDStudents may not be thrilled about their summer break drawing to a close, but retailers couldn't be happier....