近日,媒体报道了多伦多一名Shoppers店员遭到小偷暴打的经历,让人唏嘘。 据CTV报道,Gavin Rampersaud在士嘉堡的一间Shoppers Drug Mart工作已经有32年,怎么也想不到,在2021年3月的一天,他遭到店内一名扒手的攻击,之后,他的生活永远改变了。 Ramp...
For the last 5 years she was a front store assistant manager at the store at University Plaza in Nanaimo B.C. & was waiting for a manager position to become available do to family reasons we moved to Saint John N.B. 6 months ago. Because of her work ethics she was able to transfer...