其中如果在美国要使用Shopify Payments的话,比较特别的一点是他们会要求社会安全码( Social Security Number)。因为Shopify Payments跟当地许多银行合作,那些银行规定蛮严格的 ,需要认证一些个人的资料。基本上应该都是只有公民和绿卡持有着才会有的,如果在美国有娉 请当地的人(或是拥有公民的华人),可以请他们用身份去办...
SSN(Social Security Number)-社会安全号码,是美国联邦政府社会安全局发给公民、永久居民、临时(工作)居民的一组九位数字号码。以前的用途多用来报税用。用自己社会安全号码上报的税等纳税人退休后而领取退休金用的。但是,社会安全号码的功用已被大大地扩大了。它不仅用于报税,它还是被一般人看成能否在美国工作的一种...
Other information you provide; and Sensitive personal information, which may include: Government-issued identifiers, including social security, driver’s license, state identification card, or passport number; Your account access credentials (such as account log-in, financial account, debit or credit ca...
Social Security number Most permanent residents and all US citizens are issued a Social Security number (SSN)—a nine-digit number that was created to keep track of individuals’ Social Security accounts. The initial purpose of this number was to let individuals know how much they paid into Soc...
The higher-level plans add an increased number of locations for inventory management, additional reporting, extra employee accounts, discounts with shipping companies like UPS and the U.S. Postal Service, and increased support for international sales. If you use Shopify Payments, Shopify's credit ...
信用卡收款 关于美国开paypal和stripe 分期付款 关于提现回款 其他收款,和其它之外的其它方式 终于可以讲...
When you first set up your Shopify store, you will be limited to only a certain number of product variants so you won’t be able to add additional variants to your product. This is a common issue that is also known as the ‘99 limit problem’. ...
spending has increased dramatically during the COVID pandemic, which Shopify has undoubtedly benefited from as they helped existing merchants sell more and helped new merchants start selling quickly.According to W3 Techs, Shopify is now the second most popular CMS (WordPress is still number one). ...
4. 结算周期和月结次数 结算的周期和每月资金结算的次数直接影响到独立站卖家资金的正常周转,各独立站...
customers can send money in a variety of ways, including credit cards, Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal, and cryptocurrencies. For a more efficient check-out process, Shop Pay allows customers to input their shipping and payment information to decrease the number of steps needed to make another ...