原因:在上传产品的时候,商家只设置了Price,也就是产品的销售价格,没有设置Compare-at price,也就是原价,对比价格。所以会导致产品不显示Sale标识。注意:Sale标识的样式,取决于您的模板。设置Compare-at price需要注意的是,如果您的产品在某些平台上引流,比如Google、Facebook,产品的折扣不能超过50%。比如产...
主要有三种产品价格设置,第一种是Price(价格),第二个是Compareatprice(价格比较),第三是Chargetaxesonthisproduct(产品是否纳税)。 Price是必填项,Compareatprice两者的区别在于: 类似促销活动,原价为19元,现在只需9.99元。Price是9.99元,Compareatprice19元。设置时,Compareatprice必须大于Price的定价。 最后就是这个...
产品价格设置主要有3个,一个是Price(价格),另一个是Compare at price(价格对比),还有一个Charge taxes on this product(产品是否缴税) Price是必填项,Compare at price是选填项,两者区别在于: 类似促销活动,原价是19元,现只需9.99元。那Price是9.99元,Compare at price是19元。在设置时,Compare at price必须是...
Shopify比较价格(Compare at price)指的是商品的原始价格,通常是卖家促销折扣商品时使用的,以商品的原价作为对比,可以存进消费者的购买力。更多关于Shopify的讯息,点击《大量卖家建Shopify独立站,21%被指涉假,只为收集买家数据?》了解详情。(文末扫码加入Shopify运营交流群) ...
1.Compare at price Shopify独立站卖家可以选择使用Compare at price(比较价格)字段,来说明产品的一般成本。例如,如果想显示三包辣椒酱的优惠,可以在这里输入三瓶的原价。 但不要在没有充分理由的情况下,使用这个方法,特别是销售高端产品的卖家,因为这可能会降低perceived quality(感知质量/品质认知度)。
Introducing Shopify Compare At Price. This new feature allows you to enter in a list of competitor prices for each product in your store, and then display a “compare at” price on your product page that is lower than all of them. ...
The bug with the compareAtPriceRange returning the incorrect range is under investigation! The fact that it was not appearing is due to the wrong version as pointed out in earlier comments. I'll update here when this has been updated. To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the ...
Compare Shopify to The Best Ecommerce Website Builders Thousands of ecommerce businesses swear by Shopify, and although we thinkBluehostis the best ecommerce website builder for most people, Shopify is still a strong all-inclusive ecommerce solution with a lot to offer. After testing and resear...
Founder Stories Ecommerce Business Tips See All topics Enterprise Blog Sell anywhere with Shopify Learn on the go. Try Shopify for free, and explore all the tools you need to start, run, and grow your business. Start free trial Try Shopify for free, no credit card required. ...