买家发起申请后,订单会进入【Return/Refund】,同时商家会收到邮件提醒,卖家可点击申请退货退款订单的的【Respond】按钮,进入订单详情界面看申请理由;卖家可以点击【Refund】给买家退款,可以选择【Submit Dispute to Shopee】向Shopee提出争议,这样由Shopee介入处理。 shopee平台可以绑定我们的 Payoneer 账号,进行结算返款。...
买家发起了退货退款(RR, Return and Refund)买家拒收或订单派送不成功(RTS, Return To Shipper)二、国内退货流程 国内退货主要针对属于 超材/包装不符/违禁品等情形下的包裹,被仓库拦截后会做退回处理。流程如下:步骤一:订单会被系统取消;步骤二:Shopee在系统查询卖家退货地址(seller center return address);...
Refund: You can choose the Refund option to counter the buyer for a lower refund. Return and Refund:You can choose the Return and Refund option to accept the buyer’s proposal, and allow the buyer to return the item before giving the refund. Submita counter refund amount to the buyer and...
进入“My Sales>Refund/Return Details”页面,通过点击“Submit Dispute”按钮,发起退货/退款申诉,选择申诉理由,上传证明文件或信息,添加有效的工作邮箱即可。蓝海亿观网了解到,如果卖家愿意,在发起申诉后,仍然可以退款给买家。 (图片来源:Shopee,App操作图解) (图片来源:Shopee,Seller centre操作图解) 三、卖家对退货...
如果买方未从卖方那里收到产品,或者收到的产品有误,损坏或有缺陷,则买方可以要求退货/退款。 shopee官网原文详情: About the return/refund process A buyer can request for a return/refund in cases of non-receipt where he/she does not receive the product from the seller, or if the product received...
步骤二:Shopee在系统查询卖家退货地址(seller center return address); 步骤三:系统发送异常件的处理结果给卖家; 步骤四:仓库操作退货(约2周一次),快递到付,若卖家拒收则退件直接被销毁。 请注意: 卖家退货地址需正确设置,避免无法退回导致损失。如何设置详见:最新版的虾皮退货退款流程,附送退货地址设置!
1)buyer return address(买家退货地址):这是当地指定退货点的地址,供买家退回的时候使用,请注意此地址这是系统默认的,卖家不可以更改也无需更改。 2)seller return address(卖家退货地址):这是需要您填写的退货地址,请注意一定要正确填写,否则产生了买家退货或者是仓库异常件,没有正确的地址或者联系方式就无法退回,...
RR:Return and refund-退货退款流程 AWB:Air WayBill-运单 AWB即面单,在卖家出货的流程中,可以将运单使用热敏打印机打印出来(尺寸10cm*10cm),最后将打印好的运送标签贴到包裹表面,即可实际发货,送往仓库。 CRR:Chat Response Rate-聊天回复率/聊天回应率 ...
Return/Refund-申请了退款退货的订单 2、Check Details-查看该订单的详细信息,包括付款金额/付款方式/订单状态/物流选项; 活动中心页面介绍 卖家可参与的活动有五种类型,分别为: 1、Paid Ads(关键词付费广告) 2、My Discount Promotion(折扣促销活动)
2. Seller is not responsive to my inquiries – The buyer has not received a response from the seller regarding their Return/Refund inquiry. 3. Modify existing order (color, size, voucher, etc.) – The buyer wants to adjust their order, such as changing the variation, quantity, or applying...