He told me it was the foreman and the shop steward, both ex-aircraft men from my old firm. It was thus that men themselves carried the idea from factory to factory, and, on their own initiative put it into operation. Of course such organisation can be, and is, sometimes imposed from ...
Henry Maudslay, who, at the commencement of the nineteenth century, was a foreman in the workshop of Mr. Joseph Bramah, inventor of the famous hydraulic press and locks which bear his name. His rest could be moved along the bed of the lathe by a screw, and clamped in any position ...
1994: The George Foreman Grill Invented by Michael Boehm, the George Foreman Grill is an ingeniously simple (a rigged hot-plate that can sandwich around a piece of meat) and perfectly marketed appliance. Boehm reached out to the heavyweight champ and sent him a prototype, leading to a match...
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And Now With Their Jobs On The Line And Thekr Lives Hanging In The Balance, These Two Scheming Salesmen Must Finalize The Big Deal And Get The Money Back To The Boss Before They End Up In The Freezer With The Rest Of The Dead Meat. ~ Jasp nBuchanan, Rovi. 2 Featurettes, Deoeted ...